Here are the changes introduced in each major version of this project.

Version Description
0.0.1 Initial release
0.0.2 More consistent declaration handling, mvn site, maven central release
1.0.0 Added dist assembly; javadoc
1.0.1 Added copyright, _revisions, version; fixed <<%= ... %> Tokeniser bug
1.0.2 Added JessopBindingsConverter (work-in-progress; not documented)
1.0.3 Added JessopBindingsConverter implementations for oracle rhino, openjdk rhino and vanilla mozilla rhino
1.0.4 typo in class name
1.0.5 added ruby language support (jruby)
1.0.6 nashorn support
1.0.7 whitespace fixes
1.0.8 added lisp language support (abcl)
1.0.9 bumped some dependency JARs
1.0.10 added graalvm support

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Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.